Enable 2FA/MFA For Your Build Process

Enable 2FA/MFA For Your Build Process

Photo by Ed Hardie on Unsplash

What is 2FA/MFA?

For modern digital life, it’s hard to avoid Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)/Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You may see the term 2FA and/or MFA though both apply to authentication, which is the act of verifying a user can access a website, application, or service.

At minimum, you need a username or email as sign-in credentials, and you need something else:

  • you (biometrics)

  • thing (hard or soft token)

  • and, something you know (password).

The most common MFA is when a user logs into an app they are prompted to check their email or SMS for a code. This code should be a OTP - one-time password/passcode.

Use 2FA/MFA in your build process

  • First, are you using GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket to host your code?

  • Enable 2FA/MFA on your account.

  • Enable verified commits for your developer laptop/environment.

Verified Commits

Next week, I’ll show you how to enable verified commits for your developer environment…because even Big Tech makes mistakes. 😳